Tuesday, April 2, 2013

One Year Later

One year ago today was the first Things Have Changed post and 410 posts and 26,015 pageviews later THC is still at it!

Thanks to all of you readers and commenters - except for you spam bots (you know who you are!).

This year we'll occasionally repost some of THC's favorite posts on their anniversary dates (hmm, if we do that all the time THC wouldn't need to write anything new this year).  In fact, here is the very first post.

THC also pledges to further enhance the quality and quantity of third-person self-references.  For that purpose we have retained the coaching services of Mr Ricky Henderson.  THC asked Mr Henderson to introduce himself to readers and he's requested that we pass on his response:

"Ricky doesn't need any introduction.  Everybody knows what Ricky is capable of."
As a reminder, THC does take requests for posts.  If not for faithful reader JS we would not have had the pleasure of learning about the Knights Hospitallers (see The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of).

Finally, we are announcing that after lengthy deliberations, THC's Board of Directors has decided not to amend the current Official Policy Of This Blog despite numerous pleas to improve the accuracy of THC posts.  As a reminder (and warning) we are reposting that policy:

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