Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keeping Your Health Insurance?

The last time we heard from Warren Meyer of Coyote Blog he was telling us of his travails with the National Forest Service in the midst of the partial government shutdown (see Games People Play and More Games).  Today, we learn of his health insurance adventures:

So Much For Being Able to Keep My Health Insurance
Blue Cross just wrote me that our current health insurance policy will not be renewable for next year.  Unfortunately, I have actual health insurance rather than pre-paid medical care (meaning that it has a high deductible and pays for catastrophic things rather than aromatherapy visits).  Kathleen Sebelius does not think what I have is "real insurance" so she and Obama have banned it, despite promising that if I like my health insurance I would be able to keep it.

The truth is that under the Affordable Care Act the very wealthy will do just fine and the poor will get subsidies and become a solid voting bloc in opposition to any reform of the system (see Demosclerosis).  Everyone else got played for rubes and suckers. The sad thing is this was predictable at the time the legislation was enacted.